
Yoga Workshop Wednesday – Chair Pose

Common areas of hypermobility:


·         Lumbar spine hyperextension – low back too arched back

·         Shoulder hyperextension – arms and shoulders pulled too far backward

·         Knees pointing in towards the middle


How to control:


·         Lumbar hyperextension: tuck tail bone down towards the ground using gluts and lower abs

·         Reach hands and arms up and forward, not backward

·         Keep knees in line with toes

·         Not pictured, but still important, to control head and neck posture, slight chin tuck, not looking up and preventing head from hanging back



Yoga Workshop Wednesday – Upward Dog

Common areas of hypermobility:


·         Lumbar spine hyperextension – low back too arched back

·         Elbow hyperextension – elbows locked out and bent too far back, beyond straight

·         Head and neck hyperextension – head and neck hanging back, chin up


How to control:


·         Lumbar hyperextension: tuck tail bone down towards the ground using gluts and lower abs

·         Don’t lock out elbows

·         Control head and neck posture, try to keep chin down towards throat more, gaze will not be as straight up


Yoga Workshop Wednesday – Cobra

Common areas of hypermobility:


·         Lumbar spine hyperextension – low back too arched back

·         Head and neck hyperextension – head and neck hanging back, chin up


How to control:


·         Lumbar hyperextension: tuck tail bone down towards the ground using gluts and lower abs

·         Control head and neck posture, try to keep chin down towards throat more, gaze will not be as straight up



Yoga Workshop Wednesday – Plank Pose

 Common areas of hypermobility:

·         Lumbar spine hyperextension – low back too arched, belly button hanging down towards floor

·         Elbow hyperextension – elbows locked out and bent too far back, beyond straight

·         Head and neck hyperextension – head and neck hanging back, chin up


How to control:

 ·         Lumbar hyperextension: tuck tail bone down towards the ground using gluts and bring pubic bone tucked up using lower abs

·         Don’t lock out elbows, keep elbows ‘soft’, use muscles around shoulders and shoulder blades.

·         Control head and neck posture, try to keep chin down towards throat more, gaze will not be as straight up, more towards hands or top of mat.